Saturday, December 1, 2007


it's a battle i can't win,
the horror of it all will eat me alive.
i will die with the knife in my hand,
as long as it has your blood on it.
the paper monsters i've been fighting
these last few months
have left paper cuts
so deep,
so many,
so real.
i hate the wait,
i can't bear to start again, it's crazy,
i'm older,
i'm too young.
deep inside, the concrete walls of my judgment
are falling,
one by one.
i'm back to war,
against paper monsters
and you.


Garcya said...

bau, cucu-bau!

Anonymous said...

Mda... suna fain, dar prea doom... iar eu sunt satul ca in ultima sapt am avut parte numai de doom - si am sa explic la mine pe blog ce insteamna Doom intr-un post viitor, ce va aparea cand va trece doomul.(